
Jorge Fuembuena
Galerie Frey Salzburg

Über DIE Ausstellung

über den Künstler

Der Künstler über seine Beweggründe zu fotografieren:

I don't take pictures because I want to describe reality but because I try to discover it. The space is initiated because we look beyond where we are, beyond us.

What always interests me is the notion of paradox. I have always been more interested in how we build reality than in reality itself. Photography lets me wonder a lot on what is real and what is not.

We as artists look for a language and this has something to do with finding a way to formulate (in this sense, a way of formalizing) what is being told. I think that the how is usually more important than the what, as it indicates a position towards the world; where I photograph from, what is my relationship with photography, etc.

From something concrete, we can see how a world operates. I think photography shows the appearance of things but doesn't translate it.

To me, photography talks about ideas, semantic layers of meaning that we add. I share the questions, the uncertainty.

Photography allows me to interact with others and with the world. I use photography as a tool to reflect upon the nature of the social and the individual being. It helps us build a vision of who we are. My will is to find emotional correspondences, to generate horizontality with the world being photographed and, as Serge Tisseron says, to have a psychic assimilation of the world.

Ausstellung "The End of Cathedrals"

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